Nowruz Eve among Mazandarani people

The Tabarian New Year, or neowrez, is an event occurring in the pintek days of the Tabarian Calendar, Pintek in the Mazandarani language of Iran, means pentad since in Mazanderani calendar year is divided to 12 months consisting of 30 days and one pentad days. often beginning on March 21.


Neowrez Khani


Neowrez Khani is believed as one of most popular and strong traditions of the Mazanderani people that is celebrated by singing about welcoming spring, ordinary lyricism consisted of the following sentences.

Wehareon wa Biyamow / Neowrez Sowltan Biyamow
Mejeda Hadein She Dusston re / Gol Biyamow Goleston re


Feel the Wind of Spring / Feel the Entrance of Neowrez
Give Congratulate to your Friends / Flower comes to Flowerage

The source of all lyricism are about periodically entrance of spring. Since there are different groups schedule to singing, Therefore singing groups could be find everyday in the same neighborhood.

Ways And Means

About 15 days before spring several groups establish for this program, they go every where and almost every home, to gifting people joy, Although it is optional to appreciating by gifts but, people give them back some gifts instead, or invite them to eating their sweets, candies, eggs, peas, and some other, but not monies, Since in the mazanderani culture it is disrespectful to appreciation by monies.

Mej Yarnin

Mej Yarnin, means doing any action that could help making the new year as good year normally could be prays and wishes.

Petram Sewresh

People enjoy to be festive in the last Wednesday of winter, people call the day Kal Char Shenba. Each family provide firewood for burning to making fire in front of their house. Then every person jumps over it, and then wishes that sadness goes and joys come by telling this Mazanderani sentence: Burea Qa o Biyea Shadi. meaning sadness to go and joy to stay. A soup will be cooked in almost all of the homes which is known as Ach, Although all cook it, but people gift it to each other specially their neighbourhoods, They don't wash the Ach Dish, to showing their kindness to each other, this belief however has mazanderani cultural background.

Hanging Out Festival

On the 13th day of spring, women of the same village (also relatives and friends from neighbouring villages) gather in the same area

to spend time and have fun. In another area of the community, 

men have a wrestling competition that lasts from morning till evening.

See also

Tabarian Culture



External links
